Steam Data Exploration in Python

In the previous posts in this series we successfully downloaded and cleaned a whole dataset from Steam and Steamspy. Today we're going to be diving into that dataset, getting to grips with it, and trying to get a sense of the gaming industry as a whole. We'll try to focus on questions like 'What makes a game great?' and 'What do the most popular games look like?'. Our answers will relate specifically to the Steam environment, but hopefully we'll be able to uncover some interesting insights that we can relate to the wider video game industry.

Global revenues of the video game industry from 1971 to 2018, not adjusted for inflation. Source: Wikipedia

Comparable in size to the film and music industry in the UK, and generating more than double the revenue of the film industry internationally, the video game industry is huge. Knowing how to navigate this landscape would be invaluable, so let's begin that process. In this post we'll be exploring the data, trying to make sense of it through visualisations in a process commonly referred to as Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA).

SteamSpy Data Cleaning in Python

Welcome to the final part of the data cleaning process. Once we're finished here we'll be ready to move on to exploring and analysing the data.

As a quick re-cap, so far we have downloaded information on games from the Steam Store via the Steam API and SteamSpy API. We have cleaned and processed the data from the Steam API, and in this section we'll walkthrough cleaning data downloaded from the SteamSpy API. The overall goal of this project is to collect, clean and analyse data from the Steam Store with the idea of advising a fictional game developer or company.

The previous posts went into great depth about the decisions made and methods used. This post will still go over a number of decisions, but will be more in the style of a brief overview than full discussion.

Steam Data Cleaning: Code Optimisation in Python

In my previous post, we took an in-depth look at cleaning data downloaded from the Steam Store. We followed the process from start to finish, omitting just one column, which we will look at today.

The final column to clean, release_date, provides some interesting optimisation and learning challenges. We encountered columns with a similar structure previously, so we can use what we learned there, but now we will also have dates to handle. We're going to approach this problem with the goal of optimisation in mind - we'll start by figuring out how to solve the task, getting to the point of a functional solution, then we'll test parts of the code to see where the major slowdowns are, using this to develop a framework for improving the efficiency of the code. By iteratively testing, rewriting and rerunning sections of code, we can gradually move towards a more efficienct solution.

Steam Data Cleaning in Python

In the first part of this project, we downloaded and generated data sets from the Steam Store API and SteamSpy API. We now need to take this raw data and prepare it in a process commonly referred to as data cleaning.

Currently the downloaded data is not in a very useful state. Many of the columns contain lengthy strings or missing values, which hinder analysis and are especially crippling to any machine learning techniques we may wish to implement. Data cleaning involves handling missing values, tidying up values, and ensuring data is neatly and consistently formatted.

Gathering Data from the Steam Store API using Python

The motivation for this project is to download, process and analyse a data set of Steam apps (games) from the Steam store, and gain insights into what makes a game more successful in terms of sales, play-time and ratings. We will imagine that we have been approached by a company hoping to develop and release a new title, using the findings we provide them to inform decisions about how best to manage their budget and hopefully increase the success of their next release.

The first step will be tackling data collection - the actual retrieval of data from Steam's servers and databases. In the future we'll look at cleaning the data, transforming it into a more useful state, then on to data exploration and analysis. Finally we'll summarise our findings in a non-technical report which would be sent to the fictional company in question.